Upcoming Events
March 14th 2025: π-day: celebration with lecture
At 12:40 (200A 00.144), talks by:
- prof. Lendert Gelens (MeBioS) The math of cooking up a living pi(e) using frog eggs; and
- prof. Tjonnie Li (STADIUS/ESAT) Exploring the Cosmic Symphony: Modeling Cataclysmic Phenomena for Gravitational-Wave Discovery.
You can find our past events here.
About us
SIAM stands for Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. The organization encourages the formation of student chapters at universities all around the world. The motivation behind our student chapter at KU Leuven lies in providing a vibrant research communication environment between world-leading groups of enthusiastic young researchers within KU Leuven, as well as in collaboration with academic and industrial institutions throughout Belgium.
Some of the objectives of the KU Leuven SIAM student chapter include:
- to promote the role of mathematical techniques in research and industry,
- to create and foster relations between members of the local scientific community,
- to provide opportunities to get to know new frameworks or programming languages, or to expand abilities in existing ones,
- to collaborate with other SIAM student chapters across Europe for the organisation of large scale meetings and workshops,
- to promote an active environment in which both academic and industrial participants interact on a regular basis.
More concretely, we organise seminars, workshops, lectures, industry visits and weekend trips.
Team members
The SIAM KU Leuven Student Chapter is currently run by Ignace Bossuyt, Debadri Som, Evert Provoost, Jan Quan, and Alexander Bodard.
Please reach out if you are interested in joining our team.
Past team members
We would like to thank the following people for their support of the student chapter through the years: Peter Coppens, Pieter Appeltans, Hannes Vandecasteele, Niel Van Buggenhout, Simon Telen, Bruno Coussement, Andreas Van Barel, Luca Fenzi, Libo Su, Deesh Dileep, Roel Van Beeumen, Nico Vervliet, Roel Matthysen, Ward Melis, Joris Tavernier.
We graciously acknowledge the guidance of our faculty advisors prof. Ronald Cools (CS) and prof. Panos Patrinos (ESAT).
Contact and address
SIAM KU Leuven Student Chapter
Celestijnenlaan 200A
3001 Leuven
email: siam@cs.kuleuven.be