SIAM KU Leuven Student Chapter

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Events of 2022–2023

You can find code and other resources related to previous talks here .

November 23 2022: Productive LaTeX: Tools & Tricks

Peter Coppens & Pieter Appeltans

Try it out yourself: The latest version of the slides and the build set-up can be downloaded from this KU Leuven GitLab repository.

Abstract: LaTeX is the de facto standard for scientific communication, as it is free, can be used on almost any operating system, and provides support for uniform typesetting, referencing, complex mathematical formulae and so much more. Although many are familiar with basic LaTeX syntax, some of its more advanced features may look daunting for novice users. This workshop is therefore aimed at masterthesis students and (beginning) PhD students that already have a basic understanding of LaTeX but want to extend their knowledge.

The workshop will consist of three parts. First, we will set-up a portable LaTeX build system based on Makefiles, which we integrate into Visual Studio Code as an example. In the second part, we will discuss how you can improve the outlook of your documents, focusing on creating beautiful figures and tables in LaTeX. Finally, we will try to convince you of integrating a reference manager, such as Mendeley, Zotero or JabRef, into your workflow.

The workshop will be given by Peter Coppens, PhD student at STADIUS (ESAT), and Pieter Appeltans, PhD student at NUMA (Computer Science).

October 17 2022: Lecture on Reproducible Research and Research Data Management

Giovanni Samaey